A portfolio of the main current and past projects of Pieter Hintjens:
- (2016) Scalable C, a book, in progress.
- (2015) zproject, a framework for packaging scalable C libraries.
- (2015) The Psychopath Code, a book.
- (2014) Malamute, a messaging broker built with ZeroMQ.
- (2014) C4.1, a process for collaboration.
- (2013) Culture and Empire: Digital Revolution, a book.
- (2013) ZMTP v3.0 - ZeroMQ Message Transfer Protocol v3.0
- (2013) CurveZMQ - Elliptic curve cryptography protocol for ZeroMQ (released in ZeroMQ v4.0)
- (2013) ZeroMQ - the ZeroMQ book for O'Reilly
- (2012) Code Connected Volume 1 - the ZeroMQ book
- (2012) the Zyre project - an open-source framework for proximity-based peer-to-peer applications (built on ZeroMQ)
- (2012) FileMQ - an open source file publish-subscribe system (built on ZeroMQ)
- (2011) CZMQ - high-level C binding for ZeroMQ (author).
- (2011) ZeroMQ RFCs - series of protocol specifications for ZeroMQ architectures (main author, editor).
- (2010) ZeroMQ - The Guide - user guide to ZeroMQ (main author, editor).
- (2008-2009) Wikidot blog - official voice of Wikidot.com (CEO).
- (2009) Wikidot applications - reusable applications for Wikidot users (founder, contributor).
- (2009) ZeroMQ - fastest messaging ever (producer, social architect).
- (2009) Wikidot packages - reusable components for Wikidot websites (founder, contributor).
- (2009) a COSS implementation - framework for COSS-based projects (author and editor).
- (2009) COSS - the Consensus-Oriented Specification System, peer-to-peer specification framework based on branch-and-merge approach (author).
- (2009) RestMS, a RESTful messaging system (founder, contributing author).
- (2009) Stallmanism - This Religion is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. (co-founder, main author).
- (2008-) X5 - a fast, efficient web server based on the iMatix Base2 technical platform (author).
- (2008-) the Devil's Wiki - "Society (n.) Equal parts of beggar, baker, bureaucrat, and bandit." (author).
- (2007-) the Digital Standards Organization - founded in 2007 to promote free and open digital standards (main founder).
- (2007) ODFworks - success stories from ODF users (author).
- (2007) Campaign for Ethical Patents (director).
- (2007-) The European Software Market Association - representing small-to-medium software firms in Europe (founder).
- (2007-) Digital Majority - software Patents News & Views (founder, contributing writer).
- (2006-) OpenAMQ - a fast, efficient open source AMQP messaging product (architect, lead).
- (2006-) The European Patent Conference - series of conferences to debate the future of European patent policy (founder, organizer).
- (2006-2007) CAPSoff - early Wikiturfing experiment to ban the CapsLock key (designer).
- (2006-2007) Wikiturfing - grassrooting the Internet using the principles of community (author).
- (2006) Model Oriented Programming - how to use code generation to build very large software applications (author).
- (2005-2007) Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure - civil society against software patents (past president).
- (2000-) Alio Pacto - short stories about life (author).
- (1996-2000) Xitami - a fast, efficient and portable web server (author).
- (1996-) iMatix Corporation - an open source design bureau (founder and principal)
- (1995-2000) SFL - the Standard Function Library for portable applications (author).
- (1996-1998) htmlpp - an HTML pre-processor used to construct large web sites (author).
- (1992-1997) Libero - an open source code generator for many languages and platforms.